EXCLUSIVE Some sweet affection for the people you love. Our everyday bouquet is loosely gathered with a mix of pastel blooms inside our striking, new fluted violet gathering vase. Designed in vintage pressed glass with ribbed detailing, it’s a gift full of warmth and beauty.
- All-around arrangement with lavender roses, carnations and statice; pink Gerbera daisies and waxflower; light pink mini carnations; purple trachelium; accented with assorted greenery
- Artistically designed in our exclusive fluted gathering vase in a lovely shade of violet; vintage pressed glass with ribbed detail creates a charming enhancement for the floral arrangement; measures 7.9"H
- Large arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 12.5"W
- Medium arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 12"W
- Small arrangement does not include trachelium; measures approximately 14"H x 11"W